Post Harvest

Primary Processing

Post-harvest primary processing in agriculture refers to the initial handling and treatment of crops immediately after they are harvested. The main objective of post-harvest processing is to preserve the quality, safety and nutritional value of the crops and to prepare them for further processing or distribution.

The following are the main steps involved in post-harvest primary processing:


Crops should be harvested at the right time to ensure the best quality and maximum yield.


The crops are cleaned to remove any dirt, debris, or foreign matter that may have accumulated during the growing process.


Crops are separated into different grades based on their size, shape, color, and overall quality.


The graded crops are further sorted to remove any diseased, damaged or overripe specimens.


The sorted crops are packaged in suitable containers, such as bags, boxes, or crates, to protect them from damage during transportation and storage.


Fresh crops need to be cooled as soon as possible after harvest to slow down the ripening process and prevent spoilage.


Proper storage of crops is crucial to prevent spoilage and maintain the quality of the product. Fresh crops can be stored in refrigerated storage facilities, or in controlled-atmosphere storage to extend their shelf life.


The packaged crops are transported to markets, processing facilities, or directly to consumers.

These primary processing steps are critical to ensure that the crops reach the market in the best possible condition, retain their nutritional value, and are safe for consumption. By properly managing post-harvest processing, farmers and processors can minimize waste and improve the overall quality and value of their crops.